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Easy Halloween Crafts from Early Years

26 October 2024
T Level Education and Childcare students share some brilliant craft ideas, suitable for children to create ahead of Halloween.

During a creative session in the Early Years department, T Level Education and Childcare students shared some brilliant craft ideas, suitable for children to create ahead of Halloween.  

Read below to see some simple yet engaging crafts which are perfect for sparking creativity in young minds. 

Creepy Crawly Spiders 

Inspired by their love of creatures and nature, Emily and Jessica demonstrated how to make creepy crawly spiders using a commonly-found item this time of year – Conkers. 

What You’ll Need: 

  • Conkers 
  • PVA glue 
  • Black string 
  • Googly eyes 
  • Hot glue gun (optional – adult supervision required) 

How to Create: 

1: Cover your conker completely in PVA glue  

2: Wrap black string around the conker in one direction 

3: Wrap more string in the opposite direction to fill any gaps 

4: Measure eight pieces of string against your conker for legs 

5: Cut these pieces from your string ball 

6: Tie each leg piece into the string wrapped around the conker  

(You can also glue these on if that’s easier with a blob of PVA glue.) 

7: Stick on as many googly eyes as you like using PVA glue or a hot glue gun.  

(The more eyes the scarier your spider will be – but they usually have eight.)   

Once complete, your spiders are perfect for Halloween table decorations, or if you like, hanging decorations. To achieve this, simply add additional lines of string to the top.   

Magical Paper Decorations 

Bella and Lily created magical paper decorations ranging from creepy ghosts to witches’ hats. This is a super easy activity that any child can do, and the best part is that your creativity is unlimited with these.  

What You’ll Need: 

  • Coloured paper (Example: orange for pumpkins, purple for witches’ hats and white for ghosts) 
  • Pencil 
  • Scissors 
  • Felt tip pens or coloured markers 
  • Double-sided tape or sticky tack 
  • Stencils (optional) 

How to create: 

1: Draw your shapes onto coloured paper (or use stencils if you have them) 

2: Cut out your shapes carefully  

3: Add details with felt tip pens or coloured markers  

4: Put double-sided tape or sticky tack on the back. 

Once complete, these can be place around home for decoration. Why not try creating a door display covered in these or spooky Halloween bunting?  

Top Tip: Keep your first drawing to use as a stencil for making more!  

Terrific Tube Characters 

Erica was hard at work creating quirky character tubes ranging from Frankenstein’s Monster to ghosts, pumpkins and bats.   

What You’ll Need: 

  • Coloured paper (Example: green for Frankenstein’s Monster, orange for pumpkins and  white for ghosts) 
  • Black paper 
  • Cardboard tubes 
  • Tape 
  • Scissors 
  • Felt tip pens 
  • Googly eyes 
  • Coloured pom poms 
  • Glue 

How to create: (Frankenstein’s Monster) 

1: Roll a sheet of green paper so that it makes a tube shape.  

(You could also wrap the paper around a cardboard tube to make this slightly easier.)  

2: Secure the edge with tape  

3: Cut a strip of black paper slightly smaller than your coloured paper 

4: Create a zig-zag pattern along one edge of the black paper 

5: Wrap this around the top of your tube to create a hairline 

6: Cut out shapes from black paper for features.  

7: Stick these on or draw details with felt tip pens  

8: Add googly eyes and pink pom poms (for the brain) as finishing touches. 

These crafts are perfect for children of all ages, although younger children may need help with cutting and using glue. They’re an excellent way to develop fine motor skills while creating fun decorations for parties and celebrations. 

If you want to develop your skills in working with children, learn more about the exciting opportunities available with an Early Years course.