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Access to HE

Discover our accredited access courses tailored to adults. If you are aged 19 and above, and you want to transition into a new career or pursue higher education, our Access to Higher Education courses provide a pathway to degree-level studies, ensuring you can achieve your academic aspirations.

Student working in the E-Hub

What are Access to HE courses?

Access to Higher Education (HE) courses are nationally recognised programmes of study designed to support adults (aged 19+) who have few qualifications or are changing career and don’t have the relevant entry criteria, but who are aspiring to study at university.

Students that have successfully completed Access programmes with us have progressed onto a range of degrees at a variety of local, national and international universities and institutions.

Your Key to a Career in Healthcare

Studying Access to HE at EKC Ashford College will give you the tools to start your future in Healthcare.

Dedicated facilities such as our on-site Science Laboratory will prepare you for university study with industry-standard equipment.

Our curriculum consists of a unique mixture of Biology, Psychology and Sociology, looking into how these theories and practices are used in the Health industry.

We also provide dedicated support for Access students including essay workshops, skill development sessions and interview preparation.

When you complete your course, your studies here will ensure that you can enter onto a degree of your choice.

Former Access students have gone onto degrees including:

  • Paramedic Science
  • Midwifery
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Psychology
  • History
Access students working on a practical

How you apply for a course at Ashford College

Step 1 – Find a subject you’re interested in

Explore our courses online and see the wide range of academic opportunities that are available to you.

Step 2 – Apply

Apply through our online application system for the department you are choosing.

Step 3 – Come to an interview

Come along to EKC Ashford College to meet our team, explore our facilities and see which course is right for you.

Outside shot of Ashford College

Career prospects

Annual pay
Annual pay is per year, based on full-time employment and on the South East region.
Role description
Midwives deliver, or assist in the delivery of babies, provide antenatal and postnatal care and advise parents on baby care. They work with other healthcare professionals, and advise on and teach midwifery practice.
Data powered by LMI for All

“This time last year I wasn’t in education, so it just goes to show that it’s never too late to come to College.

“My transition was smooth, helped by the fact I already knew the course tutor from my time studying at EKC Canterbury College a few years earlier.

“I’d advise students not to stress about workload. It is all manageable if you’re sensible with your time, focus and utilise the help from your tutor.”

Phoebe (R)
Access to HE | Criminology, Social Sciences and Education – Accepted at University of Kent, studying Forensic Psychology

“One piece of advice I’d give someone considering studying an Access to HE course is to really be sure it’s what you want to do.

“Because it’s only one year, there’s a lot of studying to fit in and it’s definitely full on. Be focused, organised and prepared for a lot of hard work.”

Access to HE | Criminology, Social Sciences and Education | Applied to study Politics at University of Kent

“I’ve been out of education for a long time and I want to go to University to study Mental Health and Nursing, so the Access course was perfect for me.

“It’s a great way to get back into education because the lecturers are very good here at taking us through concepts and helping us develop.

“I’ve noticed a massive improvement in myself since I started, as I now know how to structure my essays, as well as how to successfully reference and research. I have also taken part in lots of presentations to help my skills there.

“My favourite parts of the course are definitely Biology and Sociology as these relate so closely to my desired degree.”

Access to HE | Healthcare Professions

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