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Exam Revision Tips

29 April 2024
We have put together some revision tips to help you study for your exams.

Studying for your exams? We understand that revising can be difficult, so we have put together some helpful revision tips to help you prepare for your exams.  

Get rid of distractions

Study/Revision Time is your time to prepare for your upcoming exams. You want as few distractions as possible during this time, so that you can really focus. At home, why not create a study space if you can, away from any distracting gadgets and gizmos. In College, come and study in our E-Hub where our team will be able to support you with anything you need.  If you find it hard to focus due to your phone or computer, we suggest turning off notifications. 

Student working in the E-Hub

Set a regular time to study

It is best to set a regular time to revise by creating a revision schedule so that you can plan what you will do and when. Whether it is an hour every few days, an hour every day or a solid time period every week, see what works best for you. Make sure to schedule time for regular breaks and exercise.

Keep all notes together (and by subject!)

If you rely on notes to revise, keep these all together in one place organised by subject, whether they are handwritten or on your PC. Imagine going through all your notes and not being able to find the subject notes you really need – not an ideal situation! If you are studying a vocational subject alongside English and/or Maths, keep the notes for these subjects separate so you don’t get confused by looking at the wrong topics. 

Look at past exam papers

Past exam papers are a great tool to help you with your revision, as you can see what sort of questions may come up in your exam. You can also familiarise yourself with the wording in the paper and see what sort of tasks you may have to do. You will find the actual exam easier if you have practised completing past exam papers beforehand.

Speak to our staff

Our staff are here to help you achieve the very best grades that you can and will help you out with any revision or areas you are unsure of. Simply speak to your lecturer, head of department or one of our E-Hub team as a starting point. Some subjects may even offer revision help during half term and the holidays. 

Stay Positive!

It can be hard during exam season to focus on anything else other than the exam – but remember that you have so much to offer outside of your grades. Don’t focus too much on what could happen or what could not happen, just try the best you can and stay calm and positive.

Students socialising in refectory

Most importantly, take a break!

Taking a break, even just for 5 minutes in the middle of a revision session, can significantly help the amount of knowledge that you will retain. Taking time to reflect on what you have learnt will allow it to go in your mind easier. It is important to take a break to help you to stay focussed and prevent you from becoming tired. If studying at College, remember we have a Contemplation room where you can go anytime and take a breather during exam season. On Wednesdays, get stuck in with our Enrichment options, and just have fun. 

Good luck with your exams – we wish you the very best success!