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Pride – How we support students

30 October 2023
Pride Month is about acceptance, equality and celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people. See how we celebrate this and how we support students.

Pride Month is every June and is about acceptance, equality and celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people.

There is also a big focus on education and raising awarness of history and issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community.

At EKC Ashford College and the wider East Kent Colleges Group, we support our LGBTQ+ students in many different ways throughout the year.

LGBTQ+ Resources in our E-Hub 

Our E-Hub (based on the 2nd floor) is home to resources that students can access throughout the year, such as course textbooks and a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles. It also has a large LGBTQ+ section. 

Books available include resources about the history of Pride such as the Stonewall Riots, as well as figures such as Harvey Milk, who was one of the first openly gay elected officials in the United States.  

Our students can request titles in the E-Hub throughout the year, and Katie our E-Hub Co-ordinator works tirelessly to ensure that students get the resources they want.

Group wide inclusive events 

Events are held across the Group by Students’ Union’s, which aim to promote inclusivity and a friendly atmosphere for all students.

From the annual Celebration of Culture here at EKC Ashford College to EKC Canterbury College’s annual drag show, there is something for everyone. Students can get involved with these events however they like, boosting confidence and interpersonal skills.

LGBTQ+ Society

The College currently hosts an LGBTQ+ Society on Wednesdays during enrichment. This society is a place for LGBTQ+ students to share their stories with each other, as well as take part in events throughout the year.

The society also works hard to drive change in the College and to raise awareness to all students about LGBTQ+ issues.

College support and guidance  

All support staff are there for all students to voice concerns and feelings, and they will help students in any way they can. Staff also get training throughout the year based on student feedback so that all student needs can be met.

There are also have student tutorials once a term where teachers educate students about issues in our society, such as homophobia and transphobia. 

Students’ Union bringing opportunities for all

Our Students’ Union has many roles available, which are open to all.

One big role is Equality Officer, who works hard to ensure all students have equal opportunities. They oversee and promote student groups such as the LGBTQ+ Society, and also work on campaigns for Cultural Celebration Day.

They work throughout the year with all students helping them to make sure all cultures and ways of life are represented in College.